"Sisters are like stars...
you can't always see them
but you know they are there..."
- Anonymous
Meet my sister PRINCESS...
I look more of my dad while she takes more from our mom.
Funny how I would think of all the things we did during our childhood. A complete opposite of me.
I could still remember our "girly sister fights"...pulling each other's hair and then laughing our hearts out after realizing what we are actually doing and fighting about...how we would debate on who the better dancers are, UMD or Street Boys...NKOTB or Backstreet Boys...on who chooses the color pink whenever our mom buys us clothes for Christmas, I would always get the pink stuff while she settles for red.
Being the eldest, I held on to the fact that I should be a role model...to be always perfect in our parent's eyes, afraid to take risks, always asking for our parent's approval...while she was more of the adventurous type...she even had a boyfriend first...hahaha
Now, we would just talk and laugh about this memories. Memories we would surely treasure.
I can't thank her enough for being there for our parents. I am happy that she is there for them while I am away.
I can't thank her enough for being there for my kids. She would readily fly out to Singapore to visit Paolo and Paige whenever she can. I could always count on her whenever I need someone to look after them.
And, I can't thank her enough for being my sister. Amidst all the fights we had, the misunderstandings...we now have a bond stronger than ever.
Love you sis.