Monday, May 28, 2012


This is it! 
We are really relocating...moving back to the Philippines.

Boxes, boxes everywhere...that is what the condo is full of right now. 
We had two transport companies do a survey earlier today. Within the week we will be deciding which company we will use and the packing will officially start. Actually, we started since December but we were still not into it, thinking that the moving date is still far...but now, looks like my panic button is ON...just looking at the calendar, realizing that days are passing by so quickly...and now we only have a month and a half before the so called BIG MOVE.

Looks like I need to be a "tourist" in the upcoming days and soak up the Singapore atmosphere...already missing Singapore just thinking about the move...oh well, gotta get use being an expat family...


  1. Wow! How long has that been? Good luck with the move. Where will the new Casa Garcia be in the Philippines?

    1. Hi Don...the new Casa will be in the Metro...and everything will be lots of adjustments esp with the kids...:)
