Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another Heartache...

Barely two weeks when my dad returned to His Creator, we were again left with another heartache with the sudden demise of my aunt/godmother/ninang Mally.

Got a call from my sis and the first thing she asked was if I were in a good place, if I were sitting down...and I said, why ask me such questions...I was already running a lot of scenarios in my head as to what she will be telling me...and then she broke the news, my Ninang Mally was gone....

At first, I thought it was a dream, that I was in a dream...that maybe I heard it wrong. After the phone call, I called her again to confirm and reconfirm and reconfirm...and however I try not to believe what I heard, it was true. I was in a state of shock. I didn't know what to do, what to think...It just wouldn't sink in. 

It was another sleepless night for me, it was again a Wednesday...was it a coincidence that Dad and Ninang both left this world on a Wednesday. What does it mean? Why? Why? Why?

I kept asking WHY? 

But who am I to ask the Lord. 
Only He knows when is the time for us to part this world.
Only He knows what the future has for us.
Only He knows why.

All I could do was pray and pray hard. 
Pray for strength and understanding.
Pray to the Lord that He increases our faith in this trying times.

It was painful for me. My Ninang was like my second mom. We both celebrate the same birthday. September 15. She would always remind me that I was born while she was celebrating her 18th birthday and that my mom wasn't able to cook pancit for her. This year, she was 53 and I turned 35. We would always exchange greetings and wishes.

I miss her. 
I will miss her.  
I know she will be watching over us just like my dad is now.

I was also thinking of my mom. I know this is really painful for her. She was just starting to recover from the heartache of losing our dad and now, she lost her sister. I wouldn't know how to comfort her, to reassure her that all will be well. 

Life is indeed a mystery. You will never know when or how you will depart this world.
I even have to ask myself if I am ready to leave this world should the Lord calls on me to depart it. 

While at mass yesterday, during the Homily...the priest words struck me...
He said...
" If you die, did the world become a better place because you lived?..."

Indeed...something to ponder upon...


  1. Auntie Mally died the same way as Lola Sayong died...that's what Lola Tending told mom based on the story we got on what happened to Auntie Mally...indeed, we won't ever know when our number will be each day as it would be the last...but that's so hard when you think of the people you will leave behind...
    Be strong ate lady...i know how close you were to Auntie Mally...indeed she was like our 2nd mom...remember the afternoons after school we spent in their house in Balibago before dad will fetch us?...those were some of our best childhood memories...i will miss Auntie her for sure!

    1. Really, the same way as Lola Sayong died.
      Does it run in the family?
      I think we should set a day for mom to have an executive check up here in Asian. what u think?
