While I was surfing the net for notes for the Around the World Lesson/Geography Lesson I was making for my son Paolo, I chanced upon a webpage,The Little Red Farm. It has a Cultural Exchange Program for families.
I decided to sign up because I know this will be something the kids would love. Who doesn't get excited receiving something from the mail right?
I was so thrilled when I received an email confirming my participation as well as the group I was assigned too. Next thing to do is to write down the stuff which I plan to "send and share" with the families in my group. It was kind of a challenge for me because our family will be representing the Philippines and we are currently living in Singapore as expats. But, the members of the group were considerate that we have decided to give each other a month or two to put together the packages we will be posting. Luckily, we had to make a business trip to the Philippines so I was able to squeeze into my schedule a few hours of shopping for Philippine stuff. My sister Princess was also kind enough to bring in some more goodies with her when she visited us here in Singapore last April 4.
AND, here is the package me and my kids have able to put together!
thanks for the special mention...hehehe...Mabuhay!