For the past few days now, I have been doing an experiment with my son who is already 9 years old and still a picky eater. Whenever I say to people that he is a picky eater, they would not believe me because though he is very choosy when it comes to food, he is still on the heavy side.
I chanced upon a show on television about the Supernanny and there was one case of a picky eater. The kid only ate toast and butter and would not even eat the normal meal. As for me, my son is not actually a picky eater, it is just his food choices that I don't approve of. He will readily finish any food as long as it is in his "approved" list like hotdog, spam, chicken nuggets...maybe now you understand what I am trying to say here.
Though lately, we have been able to persuade him to try some healthy alternatives like eating in Subway instead of his usual double cheeseburger sandwich in McDonalds. I know he has been trying hard to try new stuff and this is where the problem starts.
As I have learned from the Supernanny, I should not offer or cooked any special food for my son whenever we eat at home, he should eat whatever is served on the table. The reason for this is that one day, he will eventually eat whatever is available and not ask for his "favorites". So the experiment begins, so far I have not been successful...especially with the vegetable dishes...and lunchtime would always turn into a sort of debate with my son. The problem I see here is that he already tells his brain that the food doesn't taste good before even trying it out and if ever I get him to try it, he would do his sort of "vomiting" reflex. But, I should be firm if I want this to work. And hopefully, in the coming days, I would be able to go on with this experiment and be able to see my son eat right. (I am keeping my fingers crossed on this...)

Good luck! Paolo will surely fight you on this...debate all the way...but Super Mama Garcia will prevail! ill be keeping my fingers crossed too and i would leave the war room (aka dining table) whenever this happens..hehehe...i would not want to see Pao giving me his "help-me-ninang" look...