Sunday, April 1, 2012


Welcome to CASA GARCIA!

I have always contemplated (or should I say procrastinated?) on whether to start my own blog or not. I have been reading about other moms who blog about motherhood and family life and I always think..."I can do that too..."

But it all ends there, with a wishful thinking. After deciding, I end up staring at the computer screen ...seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours. I realized that the first post is always the hardest one.

To begin with, you have to do all the formalities of setting up a blog before you can write to your hearts content which I hope (fingers crossed) will become a routine for me.

I just wish that with all the blogs I have been reading these past months, I would be able to sum up my courage and creative juices to also do my own and sustain it.

This is it! I am officially a BLOGGER MOM and happy to be one!


  1. woohoo!!! i'm so proud of you! mama garcia??? sounds spanish/mexican...Ole!!!

  2. hi lady! congratulations on the birth of your new blog! you will learn that blogging truly is a good stress buster for mommies like us. and in time, you will have readers from far and wide. welcome to the world of blogging!

    1. thanks dear lynette...what you said is true, blogging is a good stress buster!...happy blogging to us!
